Let’s make sure Idaho kids get to school safely

Let’s make sure Idaho kids get to school safely

The best part of my day is when I walk my kids to school. We spend this quality time connecting, while the exercise helps us wake up and get focused for the day ahead. Along the way, we benefit from sidewalks, stoplights, and crosswalks that make our journey safer....
Let’s make sure Idaho kids get to school safely

We can’t let water funding go down the drain

Idaho’s economic prosperity and the very health of our communities depend on the strength and sustainability of our water resources. Idahoans deserve to turn on the faucet with confidence, knowing they have access to safe and clean drinking water. Similarly, food...
Let’s make sure Idaho kids get to school safely

Idahoans must speak up to protect Launch

A well-educated workforce is the engine that drives our economy. That’s why Democrats in the Idaho Legislature were proud to support Idaho Launch earlier this year. Now accepting applications, Launch is a monumental step forward for our state, covering 80% of the...
Let’s make sure Idaho kids get to school safely

Quagga mussel emergency shows value of preparedness

Idahoans need an effective public sector every day. This need becomes urgently apparent in emergencies. Regrettably, we now face a sudden, serious threat to our economy and natural resources: State testing recently revealed an invasive species in our Snake River, the...